Solar vs Wind vs Hydro: What is the Cheapest Way to Generate Electricity? 

The question has two sides, one is for off-grid power supply, and another is the traditional coal electricity that serves a locality. So, I will discuss the answer from two perspectives. However, the answer will be the same because it is undeniably true that solar power is the cheapest way to generate electricity. Indeed, it needs some initial investment, but it saves a good amount of money in the long run. 

However, according to the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), hydropower is the cheapest option to generate electricity.

Difference between Hydropower and Solar Power

The main difference between hydropower and solar power is that hydropower is uninterrupted, and you can create artificial renewable energy sources. Still, it is not the same as solar power. 

Solar power generates energy through a photovoltaic system, and it stores energy in a solar battery. Hydropower does not need to store energy because it is a continuous process. 

Many people argue that solar power cannot generate electricity at night because of the absence of renewable sources. It is a wrong concept because modern solar products work even under artificial lights such as incandescent bulbs and LEDs. 

Solar Power vs Hydropower

Solar PowerHydropower
It is only possible during the daytime.It can run 24/7.
Installation cost is comparatively higher. However, you will get zero down payment and other facilities to cut the total costs.Installation cost is comparatively lower. 
Expansion cost is comparatively lower. Expansion cost is comparatively higher. 
It is the best eco-friendly renewable source of energy.It is a less eco-friendly alternative.
Lower maintenance cost.Higher maintenance cost.
It is the cheapest viable power source for portable devices. It is not a viable power source for portable devices.
You can set a solar panel on the rooftop and switch to an off-grid power supply. It is not available in all areas for a lack of resources.
Table 1: Solar power vs Hydropower

The Similarity between Solar Energy and Wind Energy

  • Natural Source of energy
  • Wind power is a form of solar power because it uses wind, which depends on weather or the heat of the sun. Cooler air replaces the hot air on an Earth’s surface, which generates winds. 

Solar Power vs Wind Power: Difference between Solar Energy and Wind Energy

Solar PowerWind Power
Energy is drawn from the sun.Electricity generated with the help of wind.
It is present in all parts of the world.It is mainly present in coastal areas. 
It is mainly possible during the daytime. It is possible 24 hours a day. 
It is noiseless and pollution-free.Large turbines have noise issues and are a threat to birds. 
Comparatively higher installation cost.Comparatively lower installation cost.
It does not need much maintenance.It needs maintenance.
It is expandable by installing more units.Setting new units and expanding is costly. 
Table 2: Solar Power vs Wind Power

What is the Cheapest Way to Generate Electricity at Home? 

Last few decades, coal has been used to generate electrical energy, but it is not a cheaper option. It needs a huge investment in production, which is not good for the environment. On the other hand, renewable sources like wind or solar power are ideal for generating energy at an affordable cost.  

Hydropower and solar power are the cheapest ways to generate electricity for off-grid and on-grid power supplies at home.  

There are many types of renewable energies such as wind energy, hydro energy, biogas plants, and solar energy. All of these sources have some limitations, pros, and cons.  

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The Cheapest Energy for Off-grid Power Supply 

You should use a portable solar panel with a few batteries to supply electricity to small-scale off-grid systems. You can use it in a camp and holiday home that need to store energy. It also helps to generate electricity for solar lights. It even enables the recharging of your smartphones and laptops.  

If you are a traveler, a handy backpack with a solar panel is essential to carry a power system with you. It is a basic and perhaps the cheapest way to generate electricity anytime, anywhere.  

what is the cheapest way to generate electricity

In village areas, biogas plants are used to supply electricity for household use. It is also an affordable way to generate electricity which saves our environment. If you compare these two renewable sources of energy and their initial investment costs, then maybe a biogas plant needs more investment than a solar panel kit.  

What is the Cheapest Way to Generate Energy for Long term Residential Use? 

Solar power is the cheapest way to generate energy for long-term residential use. The initial investment cost is big, but it saves money in the long term.  

All you need is a set of solar panels and a bank of batteries. Many corporate buildings in the USA, Canada, UK, India, and Australia have started to generate electricity from solar and hydropower systems. 

To decide the ideal way of generating electricity at an affordable cost, we have to compare and define energy sources and their availability. Whether it is the western part of the world or the eastern part, solar power is the most dependable energy source because it rises and sets at a predetermined time. Still, the wind is not predictable and does not blow with regularity. On the other hand, if you use hydropower, the establishment cost is more than solar or wind power.  

If you use solar or wind energy, you need to depend on batteries. Nowadays, battery brands reduce their price and introduce advanced technology to hold power for a long time. However, I think the batteries are still expensive compared to their utility and durability.  

Frequently Asked Questions

Which renewable energy source, solar, wind, or hydro, is the cheapest for electricity generation?

Determining the cheapest renewable energy source for electricity generation depends on various factors such as location, resource availability, installation costs, maintenance, and government incentives. Generally, solar energy has become increasingly cost-competitive in recent years, with falling solar panel prices. However, the cost-effectiveness can vary depending on specific circumstances.

What are the key cost considerations for solar, wind, and hydroelectric power?

Solar energy installations require upfront costs for solar panels, inverters, and installation, but have relatively low operating and maintenance costs. Wind power requires the investment in wind turbines, installation, and maintenance, while hydroelectric power involves building dams or channels to harness water flow. Each option has different upfront and operational cost profiles.

How do the costs of solar, wind, and hydro compare in terms of energy production?

Solar power is generally more scalable, allowing for installations of various sizes, from small residential systems to large utility-scale projects. Wind power is highly dependent on wind resources and requires larger land areas for wind farms. Hydroelectric power relies on suitable water resources and can be more cost-effective in areas with ample water supply and appropriate terrain.

Can the cost of generating electricity from these renewable sources change over time?

Yes, the cost of electricity generation from solar, wind, and hydro can change over time due to technological advancements, economies of scale, and market dynamics. Solar and wind energy costs have been decreasing steadily, driven by advancements in technology and increased production volume. Hydroelectric power costs are generally more stable.

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Matt Hardy

Aim for Solar is an online platform for solar products. Matt has extensive experience in solar industries with an online certificate affiliated to The State University of New York. He aims to encourage others to enjoy the blessing of solar products. Read unbiased product reviews and other blogs. Please feel free to contact us at

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