How Fast Does a Solar Cover Heat a Pool?

solar pool cover roller
solar pool cover

A solar pool cover is a great way to keep the heat up of your pool water, but it does not heat up like a solar pool heater. Different solar covers work differently. They keep the heat of the Sun in your pool and reduce evaporation by up to 60%.

If you want to save money, you can buy this. Moreover, it can raise the temperature up to 5 Degree C. 

Here I am going to explain the three types of solar pool cover and tell you how they work. Lastly, I will give you a suggestion or a ‘solution.’

So let’s begin.

Does a Pool Heat up Faster with the Solar Pool Cover on?

The pool water heats faster with a solar pool cover because it prevents evaporation and holds the temperature of the water. There are three types of solar pool cover to keep the heat of the pool water: Solar Blanket, Solar Rings, and Liquid Pool Cover (yes, it sounds interesting?). Solar blankets should be your first choice, but if you focus more on the aesthetic quality of the pool, then you can choose solar rings and liquid pool cover.

why should you use solar pool cover

Solar Blanket

It is a bubble wrap that can be set at the top of the pool to keep the heat of the water, especially at night. A solar blanket with silver in the bottom is better than a normal blanket. A thicker solar blanket is more durable than a normal one, but it works the same way. Moreover, they reduce evaporation by up to 60%. We have a detailed article on the solar pool cover; please read that.

The Pros of Using Solar Blanket

  • It keeps chemicals in the water.
  • Reduce evaporation.
  • Protect from algae growth, leaves, and debris.
  • You can cut it into small pieces to cover your pool.

Solar Rings

These tiny solar covers float on your pool water. These are like little discs and very easy to take on and off. However, you need at least 4-5 rings to cover a 32 square meter pool. Still, you can find gaps. 

In my opinion, it is not effective as a pool cover.

Liquid Pool Cover

No one tells you this. A liquid pool cover is another great way to reduce your entire headache. Please drop these small molecules of thick layers and see the wonder. Please remember that it reduces evaporation and does not heat up the water. Moreover, you have to keep your filter off to make it more effective. If water flows, then neither liquid cover nor solar rings work effectively.

How to Use Solar Pool Cover

Please use the pool cover at night. A solar pool cover is the best option. The bubbles keep the Sun’s heat and reduce the evaporation at night. However, you should not keep the pool cover for more than a week. Otherwise, it starts a chemical reaction, and you have to ensure your water quality before swimming.

Final Verdict

However, if you want to raise the temperature of the water and want a long-term solution, then you should buy a solar pool heater. It is a one-time investment, and you can save money on your gas and energy bills.

If you are too passionate about the pool, a solar heater for pool is worth investing in.

Frequently Asked Question

How much warmer does solar heating make a pool?

A solar heater can make a pool 10 Degree C warmer. However, DIY and Dome solar heaters can raise the temperature up to 7 degrees C.
Many people use solar blankets to raise the temperature, but it only reduces evaporation and keeps the Sun’s heat to make your pool warmer. The best and long-term solution is a solar water heater.

How long does it take for a solar blanket to heat the pool?

Solar blankets reduce evaporation and heat up the pool water in 2-3 days. It is a very effective low-cost solution to increase the temperature or hold the natural temperature of pool water. It works great if you want a pool session at night. 
A solar blanket is mainly used to protect your pool from algae growth, leaves, and debris. Moreover, it maintains the chemical compound of your pool. On the other hand, you should not keep the pool cover for more than a week.

Are solar-heated pools warm in winter?

A solar heater can heat your pool in any season. It is the best and long-term solution for your pool. However, if you use a solar pool cover, then it may not work in winter because of the lack of sun heat. Please read our other blogs to know more about the differences and find the best one for your needs. 

Matt Hardy

Aim for Solar is an online platform for solar products. Matt has extensive experience in solar industries with an online certificate affiliated to The State University of New York. He aims to encourage others to enjoy the blessing of solar products. Read unbiased product reviews and other blogs. Please feel free to contact us at

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