Heating a pool regularly is a big issue for swimming pool owners. That is why they always search for the cheapest way to heat a pool. I have written plenty of articles on different ways of heating the pool cheaply. Here I am compiling the top seven ways to heat your pool at a lower cost.
Most of these are DIYs, but you can buy some of the items at a lower cost in the market. Please read this article, and if you have any questions, please comment below. It helps me to write more articles on these topics.

Table of Contents
Solar Blanket
If you are searching for an affordable way of heating, then a solar blanket can match your expectations. It helps to reduce evaporation and maintain the temperature of the water. Even on cloudy days and wintertime, it helps to enjoy pool sessions with friends and family. It adds the extra heat to your pool that you want from a low-cost solution.
Solar Liquid Pool Cover
Most experts do not talk about this liquid pool cover or solar ‘pill’ that covers the entire pool and protects it against evaporation. It does not heat the water, but it minimizes the heat loss up to 5 degrees Celsius. It is a non-toxic solution that is invisible to human eyes.
Black Hose Pipe
Many people use black hose pipes to warm up the water. It works in a very simple process- a black pipe absorbs the heat of the Sun and adds this to the water. However, it is only applicable in sunny weather and not so effective in cloudy or winter times. The longer the hose is, the more heat it adds to the water.
DIY Solar Pool Heater
It is a popular alternative to a regular pool heater because solar pool heaters and DIY heaters work in a very similar way. However, you can prepare it in your home.
Water Circulation
When water passes through the warm pipe, it heats up the water up to 10 degrees Celsius. Many people use it as one of the popular cheap pool heating systems. It would be better if you used black, gray, or blue pipes. The effectiveness also depends on the length of the pipes. The longer the pipes, the better the result. It works in a very similar way to a dome pool heater which also has black pipes to raise the temperature of the water.
Use of Black Garbage Bag or Trash Bag
Yes! You have read the headline correctly because here I am telling you about the black trash bag that can heat the water up to 5 degrees Celsius. You can buy a black trash bag from the market and cut the bag to cover your above-ground pool. In this way, you can prepare an easy alternative to pool cover. It is the cheapest way to heat a pool DIY, but it is not effective like a solar pool cover.
Black Tarp
The black tarp also works in a very similar way. Cover your above-ground pool with a black tarp, and it will maintain the temperature of the water. It is a popular alternative to solar pool cover. Both of these products have no heating machines, so they hold the temperature and prevent evaporation.
The main difference between a black tarp and a solar cover is:
The solar pool cover has a bubble side that helps to capture the heat more effectively under sunlight. The opposite side prevents evaporation. Generally, a black tarp comes with plane sides, so it is a popular way of covering the pool but not as effective as a solar pool cover.
Solar Rings
Solar rings are a less popular method of heating the pool water. A packet comes with six to eight solar rings, which help to raise the temperature of the water.
Dome Pool Heater
You can buy a dome pool cover or prepare it from the comfort of your home. You need a wood board, black pipes, and some other tools to prepare this item. I have written a dedicated article on dome pool heaters. You can check this out.
Frequently Asked Questions
Will Black Bin Bags Heat a Swimming Pool?
A black bean bag can heat a swimming pool water. It is more effective in an above-ground pool.
If you want to implement it, you have to buy a black bin bag and cut it from the middle to cover the pool. The black color transfers the heat into the pool water and raises the temperature before a pool session.
How Can I Make My Pool Water Warm Faster?
Use a solar pool heater to make pool water warm faster. There are many other alternatives, such as solar pool cover, solar rings, black tarps, and black pipes, which may not provide better results than a pool heater.
Besides that, you can prepare a dome pool heater. It hardly takes 3 hours of time for preparation, and after that, you can use it in various ways to make the pool water warm.
How Can I Heat My Pool for Free?
You can use a black tarp to heat the pool for free. If you uncover the pool under sunlight, it will automatically raise the temperature of the water free of cost.
If you want a budget solution, you can buy a solar pool cover or solar ring to heat the pool water easily.
Can I Use a Tarp to Heat My Pool?
You can use a black tarp to heat the pool. Blue and Gray tarps are also effective.
The black color captures the sunlight and transfers temperature into the pool water. It can raise the temperature up to 5 degrees Celsius.
Many people use a tarp as an alternative to a solar pool cover, but they are not so effective because they do not have a heating machine.
Will Black Garbage Bags Heat My Pool?
A black garbage bag is also effective for heating your pool. However, it is more effective in an above-ground pool.
If you have an inground pool, you can use a black tarp or solar pool cover. Many people do not believe that trash bags can be utilized in this way.
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